TONY AGUILAR estrena “BREAK UP” en PRIMICIA en su Blog Oficial y redes sociales.

El prestigioso y famoso locutor de radio de LOS40, Tony Aguilar, fue el encargado de estrenar en primicia el último single de LEX. Lo hizo en su blog y en sus redes sociales, anunciando también el primer concierto en streaming de LEX con entrada patrocinado por CHCUATRO GAS y emitido desde Notikumi, siendo uno de los primeros artistas en hacerlo a nivel nacional. LEX se mostró muy feliz y agradecido con su amigo y respetado locutor al conocer la noticia del estreno.
No hay mejor manera de estrenar un single a lo grande, que de la mano del gran TONY AGUILAR.
Gracias TONY, por tu apoyo a LEX y tu amor a la música.

Paz y Amor


LEX’s new single “BREAK UP” came out last friday , a Funky Vibe song recorded at Abbey Road Studios

Last Friday 26th, came out Lex’s new single “Break Up”, a Funky vibe song written by Lex and his brother 5 years ago and last year he had the chance to recorded it at the awesome Abbey Road Studios,London.
As Lex have said this last week, Break up is a song to dance but also to meditate and to be conscious of the world troubles and the care of the nature. An invitation to start looking at ourselves in the mirror, being honest and trying to make the world a better place. LEX has been working on a cool and funny animated video for the song. All the fans are loving it.
The song is already out and available in all digital platforms!
What are you waiting for???
Watch it NOW!


Hi guys, LEX gives us a warm welcome to WITCHY CITY STUDIOS, where the Music and Magic come together.
You can also enjoy the Official Website 🧙‍♀️
LEX in his own words:
“Welcome️ to my workplace, portable music studio, musical home where magic and music come together to get a fucking exciting energy. From here I work for LEX project, for music publishing catalogue and for all kind of projects of any music style. We work from Madrid, London, Los Angeles and Miami . If you are a music lover, sound lover, if you like the art of creating, play instruments, work on composition … WITCHY CITY STUDIOS is for you.
Find out about all the services NOW!

LEX join all of us with Born To Stay Together and its whistle.

LEX’s new single “Born to Stay Together” came out yesterday, a song which claims the most universal love among all of us. Produced by Tato Latorre at LA Sucursal (Barcelona) it brings a really pop sound with soul roots with a very catchy whistle mixing a strong production with a leading acoustic guitar. Lex revealed is a song who has rescued from his old catalogue and has rewrited hand to hand with his brother Josh.
We’re sure “Born to Stay Together” is coming out to encourage us to continue struggling and supporting us to get over theses tough times. Have a great weekend, Enjoy!

LEX #togetherathome Live Concert is out on YouTube

A week ago,LEX dedicated this concert to all the families and victims of Covid-19. Also to the medical staff, hospitals, cleaning staff, transport staff, police, foodshops staff, emergency staff… and one of each one who is staying at home to contribute to the defeat of the virus.He finished saying ” I’m sure we will be together again very soon. We have to love ourselves, love the rest, look after our families and take care of the nature. Love and Peace to the world” Hope you like the concert! Don’t stop the music.

LEX’s new single “BORN TO STAY TOGETHER” is coming out in May!

Hi guys, Lex has already announced on his social media his new upcoming single “Born To Stay Together” is coming out on May 8th. Produced by Tato Latorre again, one of the best music producers in Spain ,Lex has already set up for his next released, a song which represents the universal love among us and the whole world. He has also revealed the song is gonna available in two versions (English/Spanish).
Can’t Wait to hear it! Stay Tuned!

LEX performs at ChCuatroGas Office (Acoustic Live Sessions)

Hi guys, ChCuatroGas, the Official Sponsor of the 2020LexTour has invited the artist to perform at their offices located in Madrid. Lex has been performing “Unlucky” and his recent single “Kill Da Pressure” with some of his bandmates, his brother Josh on electronic drums and bass and the two back up singers, Adela Chain and Valerie.
As soon as possible, after the quarantine we will know more details about the 2020Tour and its promotion. In the meantime we will keep you update with all the lastes news about LEX. Enjoy the videos and keep safe and strong!

LEX aterriza con su nuevo single ” Kill Da Pressure” desde la ciudad de Los Angeles, California.

Tras su éxito con su balada Unlucky, LEX aterriza con ” Kill Da Pressure” nuevo single del proyecto. Grabado entre España (Dopplermedia) y Londres (Abbey Road Studios) junto a su hermano Josh, y Alberto Caballero en producción y mezcla, LEX nos trae un single lleno de esperanza, fuerza y lucha. Mezclando el Pop Rock y el Funk como marca habitual y con algún tinte electronico, LEX nos sorprende por su su buena onda , guitarras al mas puro Country Pop, melodías “catchy” y una produccion fersca y happy. Rodado en la ciudad de Los Angeles, en una casa en Bel-Air junto a sus amigos más cercanos y musicos de su banda.
Un single perfecto para dejar a un lado las malas vibras y rodearse de lo mejor esta primavera.